Moving is a lw a y s so much fun. Pulling stuff out of closets, from under beds and out of those hideyholes where you crammed something thinking you might need it someday (when in reality you should have just thrown it away). Once you get it all gathered up, what do we do, why we pack it and take it with us to a new location thinking we will use it someday (but it actually ends up under the bed, in a closet or stuffed in a corner… again). Moving this time included something new. We acquired cats at our country home. We started out with two for the first couple of years and at the end of August, someone thought we needed another cat. A calico kitten was conveniently placed at our doorstep. Somehow this sweet little kitty named Calli, became a part of our clan. Now the task was moving them from the country in Lequire to the city in Gore.
October 26, 2022
Moving Cats