Sequoyah County Commissioners approved to lower the speed limit on three county roads in District 3 along with other business conducted at last Monday’s regular meeting.
Speed limits have been reduced to 25 miles per hour on S. 4677 Road, E. 1109 Road and E. 1107 Road, since the item was approved.
Jim Rogers, who made the request, said it was due to concerns from residents living in Tower Estates Addition, behind Joyce’s Produce, about people driving too fast and the safety of children who live in that addition.
In other business the commissioners approved a Resolution regarding the Opioid settlements.
According to the resolution, the commissioners agreed “to participate in the 2022 global opioid settlements with CVS, Walmart, Walgreen’s, Allergan and Teva.
The resolution includes “agreeing to the terms of the global settlements, release of all claims against these entities, and the permissible uses of monies received pursuant to the settlements for opioid abatement and designation of an authorized representative to sign the subdivision participation forms to finalize participation in these settlements,” the Resolution reads.
In other business, the commissioners approved a contract renewal by and between the Sequoyah County Sheriff ’s Office and Turn Key Health which provides medical care for inmates.
Under old business, the commissioners approved two transfers of appropriations for the OSU Extension office. One from personal service to travel and the other from personal service to maintenance and operations.
Commissioners also approved a proclamation at the request of the CCR Team declaring April 23 to 29 as Crime Victim’s Rights week.