In celebration of Law Day on May 1, hundreds of attorneys across Oklahoma will provide free legal advice to members of their communities.
Members of the Sequoyah County Bar Association will participate in the Ask A Lawyer program in conjunction with the statewide effort to provide free legal advice. The number to call in Sequoyah County is 918-775-5900, and the phone number will be staffed from 6 to 8 p.m.
“Law Day is special because it gives lawyers another chance to serve their communities,” said Oklahoma Bar Association President Brian Hermanson. “Volunteer attorneys will be dedicating their time to answering your legal questions at no cost. We encourage all Oklahomans with legal questions to call in.”
Kent Ghahremani serves as Sequoyah County’s Law Day chair. The Law Day chairperson works in conjunction with the state bar’s Law Day Committee to coordinate the Ask A Lawyer call-in event.