During a special meeting of the Gore Board of Education on May 5, retiring staff members were recognized and contracts were approved for a new construction project.
Retiring are Tereasa “Ms. Terri” Barrick, yearbook and high school student council sponsor, who also serves as the high school campus library media specialist; Dee McAffrey, upper elementary math teacher, who has been with the school for five years; and Cheryl Sanders, who spent 25 years serving the students of both Gore and Gum Springs Schools.
The following positions were approved for employment for the 2023-24 school year: Summit Murray and Kimberly Gardner as Lower Elementary temporary teachers, Kristi Mendenhall as high school secretary, and Taylor Lewis as high school library aide.
A resignation was also accepted from Talitha McAlister.
Contracts were unanimously approved with CWA Architect Firm for a new construction project at 6%, Williams Construction for new construction project construction management, and Stephen L. Smith for bond management.
Superintendent Lucky McCrary, during his report, spoke on construction and roof projects, EC Arena light replacement, SB lights and the FB electric project, along with the district update for the 2023-24 school year.
The board also approved a real property purchase adjoining Gore High School, and the purchase of a harness for building roof repairs.
The board agreed to name the Lower Elementary concrete court “The Montgomery Family Court” per their donation of the court. A plaque will reportedly be affixed near the area with the court name and date of dedication.
Consent agenda items were all approved, some of those items included fundraiser requests/expenditure, activity fund transfers, surplus of used weight racks and accessories, and the 2023-24 Federal Programs Assurances.
The board also renewed contracts with Keystone Food Services, OSSBA and OSSBA unemployment compensation insurance, OT/ PT service with access to Heath Care Solutions, Inc., and MASS District Information Services.
Also approved was payment of Alt Ed. Academy Program funds to Vian Public Schools and a Memorandum of Understanding with the school for Alt Ed. Coop. for the 2023-24 school year.
Temporary Appropriations request for the 2023-24 school year was unanimously approved, along with General Fund PO#s 336-364 for $7,222,831 and Building Fund PO# 32 for $569,101, which included encumbrances and change orders.