Sequoyah County Commissioners approved a bid la stMonday to purchase mobile and hand-held radios as a start to overhauling the county’s communication system into the digital era.
Commissioners approved a bid of $280,000 submitted by Atlantic Radio Communications Corp. of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., which will provide 346 or more hand-held radios, 346 or more lapel mics, and 248 or more mobile radios, according to the bid.
District 3 Commissioner Jim Rogers said plans are also in the works to purchase repeaters and towers for the county’s 911 communications system.
“We currently have analog, but once the system is complete, we’ll be able to go digital. Everyone’s going digital,” Rogers said. “The new system will allow everyone from police, firefighters, the ambulance and other emergency workers to communicate with one another.”
In other business, the commissioners approved a Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement for Voluntary Cooperation and Operations Assistance by and between the Sequoyah County Sheriff ’s Department and the City of Sallisaw. The cooperative agreement will combine the two law enforcement agencies to work together.
Another item approved was the county officers’ travel allowance.
Approved also was a lease agreement for a chip spreader by and between Sequoyah County District 2 and 3 and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation on the county road machinery and equipment revolving fund for both districts.
Under new business, the commissioners approved a request from the Sequoyah County Emergency Management office to apply for an Emergency Management Performance Grant for fiscal year 2024.
Approved also were the following items:
• Transfer of appropriations from the Commissioners Personal Service to the Excise Board Personal Service;
• Transfer of appropriations from Commissioners Travel to Excise Board Travel;
• Transfer of appropriations from jail maintenance and operations to jail personal service; and
• Transfer of appropriations from the Election Board part-time personal services and travel to Election Board maintenance and operations.
Other business approved included cash fund estimate of needs and request for appropriations along with all reports and blanket purchase orders.