First Southern Baptist Church, Gore
It is officially summer. Summer brings lots of things, campouts, BBQs and lake outings. It also brings fam ily reunions.
Now that is a phrase that brings to mind many reactions.
For some, it brings great anticipation and excitement and for others it brings agony and anxiety.
You get to see relatives you’ve not seen in ages or maybe saw just last week. There’s the aunt who always kisses cheeks and hugs necks. The uncle who is loud, the cousin who is strange and the niece/ nephew who squeals so loud it breaks glass.
On the other hand, you do get to hear how everyone is doing, see how some have grown, meet new additions to the family and find out who has gone on to be with the Lord.
I remember as a small child I hated family reunions. I didn’t know anyone, no one to really play with and just nothing to do. Now, I love going to them. I even drag my grown kids with me and make them miserable.
Several years back I went to one and it was great. I saw aunts, uncles, great aunts and uncles, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cousins. I met new inlaws and found out the where-bouts of some of the outlaws. I got caught up in where everyone was and what they were doing, who was retired, about to retire and what they were doing with their retirement.
I have a set of cousins that I am particularly close to and thoroughly enjoyed visiting with them. Most interesting was comparing our health, or the lack of, then discussing what medicines we’re on and what we can do to get off them.
What caught my attention was a table by the front door. As you came in, there was a couple of picture books tracing the family history back five to six generations to present. There was also a book that contained names, addresses and phone numbers from the last two reunions.
About half way through the reunion, my mom asked if I would make an announcement. The announcement was twofold. The usual, “We have a basket by the front door for donations to help cover the rental on the hall, plates, cups and napkins and plasticware. Drop in a few dollars.”
The other was for everyone to check the book to see if their name was in it and if the information was correct. This booklet is how we contact everyone for the next reunion date, time and place.
Some threw money in basket but everyone came by to see if there name was in the book. They checked to see if the information was there. Was the information correct? Some knew their name was not there and some thought it might be there in the back. Then, some were surprised their names were not there! They had not been to the last few reunions.
This reminded me of the similar event yet to come. John writes of it in Revelation 22:11-14, The Great White Throne of Judgement when the names are open. I think the judgement and family reunions have similarities. I think there will be people who know their names are not written in the book. They meant to, but just never did. Many will hope their names will be written, but just are not sure. Of course, there are the ones who know their name is there and don’t even have to look.
But, there are the ones that are surprised they are not in the book. They go to the meetings – never miss. They know all the family members and relationships. Why, their grandma or grandpa started this reunion stuff. Yet their names are not there.
So will be the case with many in the church. They attended Sunday School, church services, revivals, even Wednesday nights and business meetings. They were baptized and their names were on the church roll book. Why, their grandpa was a preacher, grandma was a Sunday School teacher, dad was a deacon and mom was the church clerk. But…their name is not in the book.
They do not get an invitation to the party (Wedding feast) but John says they are cast into the lake of fire (20:15). Matthew says it is a place of outer darkness (Matt.8:12, 22:13, 25:13) and a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (8:12, 13:42 & 50, 22:13, 24:51, 25:30).
Needless to say, all there at the reunion checked the book and wrote their names in it ,along with other valuable information, to get an invitation to the next reunion. Maybe you should check to see if your name is in the Book of Life to make sure you get your invitation to that big family reunion in Heaven.
Bro. Tim