The Gore Board of Trustees held two meetings in May, where they voted to pass two resolutions and the fire chief informed the board about possibly getting permanent helicopter landing pads put in place for Life Flight.
In the May 9 regular monthly scheduled meeting the board approved two resolutions, Resolution 05-092023-1 for a Surplus Policy and Resolution 05-09-2023-2 for an Inventory Policy; along with approving a Fleet Management System.
Also approved was the selling of shirts, hats, etc. with the town’s new logo and a $1,000 sponsorship to Fall Cruise Night, which is sponsored annually by the Street Kings.
Requisitioning and receiving officers for the town for the Board of Sequoyah County Commissioners were also approved, along with purchasing two picnic tables at $462 each for town events.
Court/town clerk Lisa Settlemyre presented the fire chief ’s report, which stated the department had six calls for the previous month and response times continued to be good.
It was also noted the fire chief had made some headway in possibly getting permanent helicopter landing pads put in place for Life Flight, and there’s a possibility of 100% funding for the project.
Fire Chief Justin Oil said he had a meeting with county emergency managers, as well as a representative from the state office of emergency management, concerning the town establishing a FEMA CERT team in our area, as well as developing a countywide emergency disaster response task force.
“At this point, we are needing to recruit citizen volunteers who will make up this team. I will keep the council up to speed on our progress,” Ohl said.
During the police chief ’s report, assistant chief Tracy Christenberry said the department issued seven citations and 23 warnings for April, and over $1,700 was collected in citation fees.
In the public works authority meeting, the board unanimously voted to create a “Rainy Day” sub account and Administrator Jeremy Lane reported a 15% water loss for April. Lane also reported the GPWA received paperwork for a $150,000 grant.
Special Meeting During a special meeting on May 31, the trustees received governing board training from OMAG, where Bill Tackett and Steve Barrett talked about the different forms of town governments.
Tackett said Gore is a town form of government, and talked about a town trustee handbook. He also spoke on how to improve the financial and governing body stability, meetings, employees, public image, crisis management, economic development, planning and goal setting, administration, and communication.
Tackett closed by thanking the board for inviting him and Barrett.
During the GPWA portion of the meeting, after a discussion on possible action to spend the remaining REAP grant money to Purchase Media for two units, the trustees unanimously voted to do so.