Doers of the word withstand life’s storms.
In Matt hew 7:24-27, the same storm and wind came upon houses – the one built on rock and built on the sand.
The reason the house built on the sand was destroyed is that it wasn’t built on the foundation of God’s word. One was destroyed and one wasn’t because the wise builder was a doer of the word and the foolish one wasn’t.
It’s not the storms of life that defeats us, if the storms of life defeated us we would all be defeated because the storms of life come to us all. Some people face the same storms that others face and yet they are not defeated, while others who face the storms are destroyed.
Those who are not defeated act on God’s word. The defeated ones may be thoroughly saved, yet they do not have corresponding actions to go along with their faith. And they have not taken the time to build their faith on the solid foundation of God’s word.
When the test of sickness comes, for example, some are laid low while other folks stand their ground. They refuse to give in and accept sickness or disease. The storms of life comes to us all.
It may be sickness, financial difficulty, or some other test or trial. The winds of adversity blow and the floods come, but he who is a doer of the word can hold fast to his confession of faith for he knows that God cannot fail.
So many who profess Christ to who declare that they believe the word from Genesis to Revelations are not doers of the word. They are talkers about the word, but they are not doers of the word. There is a big difference.
Talkers of the word mentally assent that the word doesn’t do them any good or profit them, because they are not making the blessings and the benefits of God’s word their own by faith.
Faith receives the promised blessing! Faith appropriates what God has already promised in His word.
The way you make God’s word your own is to act on it. You do what it says. the Bible says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto thine own understanding (Proverbs 3:5).
The only way to trust in the Lord is to trust in His word. You cannot trust in the Lord without trusting His word. God and His word are one, just as you and your word is one. If your word is no good, then you are no good. If God’s word isn’t any good, then He isn’t any good, but thank God, His word is good and He watches over His word to perform it.
Jeremiah 1:12 says: Then said the Lord unto me, thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.
The margin reads, I watch over my word to perform it. If you don’t accept the word and believe and confess it, God doesn’t have anything to make good in your life. But He wants to make His word good in your life. God wants you to have what His word promises. But if you don’t act upon His word, then He doesn’t have anything to make good in your life.
When I trust in the word with all my heart and stop leaning upon human reasoning, and stop looking to people for deliverance, then I have actions that correspond with my faith. My actions are then in perfect fellowship with my confession of faith.
It has taken some of us a long time to learn this. And it will take others even longer because they have been walking in the wrong pathway and in the sense realm, and their minds are so cluttered up with human reasoning.
It takes those people a while to renew their minds with the word of God so they will have actions that correspond with their confession of faith.