So, it’s a new year. What does it bring or hold for us? Will there be anything different this year from last year? Do we want it to be different from last year? W e make resolu tions to…but they are empty. This year I am going to lose weight, exercise more, eat right, get up earlier, refrain from certain indiscretions, quit smoking, dipping or chewing tobacco or maybe just be a better person. And, we do well for a week or two, maybe even a month but then we are right back where we were before.
We do this with our spiritual life also. “This year I am going to pray more, read Bible more, give more, study more or attend more. These resolutions, like the others, also prove to be short lived and somewhat empty. This year, let me suggest just one resolution or commitment, To know God. Not just to know of God, but know Him. This may take some work, but the reward is unbelievable. To know God could be one of the greatest life-changing things to happen. To know God could make all other resolutions a reality and not a dream.
Let me suggest a way to do this. It is as simple as a brown bag of items to help you remember and achieve this goal.
First, get a clock. Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us there is a time for everything. To start the year off, make time for God. Time for God in prayer, Bible reading and praise.
Second, find a Bible. Psalm 119:11 tells us to hide God’s word in our heart to not sin against him. Get a Bible in a translation you can understand and read comfortably.
Along with the Bible, get a good devotional guide that you can take a few minutes to read every day to get the day going. It will have a few verses of Scripture and a thought to meditate on as you start or finish your day.
A fourth suggestion, a good systematic approach to reading the Bible through in a year’s time. It is remarkable the number of Christians that have never read the Bible from cover to cover. The Psalmist again in 119:105 tells us Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path.” Along with this, Jesus asks have you not read… or have you never read… (Matt. 19:4, 21:16, 21:42). How can we know God’s Word if we never read His Word?
Fifthly, to understand God’s Word you need to be in some type of indepth Bible Study. The local church offers many of these. Sunday School, Small Group & Discipleship training are just to name a few of the places you can begin a journey of studying the Bible. Paul encourages us in 2 Timothy 2:15 to “study to show yourself approved, a workman need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth” Next find you a church directory. Why you may ask? Learn who you go to church with. Build friendships, keep in touch with those sick or needing prayer, establish accountability to them and find groups to fellowship with.
Listen to some inspirational music to keep you in the right spirit. There are so many stations on the radio, internet, Pandora or subscription through Sirius, Apple Radio, I-tunes or others that offer Southern Gospel, hymns or Contemporary Christian and even to Christian Rock!
Eighthly (if your are keeping track), keep a couple of journals. One is a prayer journal. Write the prayer request of yourself and others and then record when they are answered. This is quite a spiritual booster as you look back and see all the times God answers prayers.
The second journal is one you keep with your Bible as you read. Write down when God gives you a direction, thought or speaks to you from the Scriptures. Many of the articles I write are a result of journaling as I read daily from His Word. This article is one of them. If God speaks to you through Scripture, it is worth journaling about.
Finally (and number 10 if your still counting), keep a church bulletin for each week. In doing this you can keep up, be aware of what is happening at the church for the week. Any fellowships, special meetings or services. This way you won’t miss what is going on.
Put all these in a brown bag and keep by your favorite chair. Go to it each day. And may it help you as you navigate through the New Year, 2024! Let’s get together next year and see how we did!
Happy New Year Bro. Tim