In a regular monthly meeting held on Dec. 18 at 6 p.m., Vian’s Board of Trustees convened in the council chambers to discuss and decide on various important matters. The meeting covered a range of topics, from recognizing guests to approving reports and making significant decisions for the community.
Two notable guests, Doug White and Scott Thompson, were recognized during the proceedings. However, the focal point of the meeting was the unanimous approval by the trustees for the temporary use of the old police department building on Blackstone Street. Beginning Feb. 1 through June 30, Center 64 food center will operate from the premises, with the responsibility of covering all utilities for the building resting on their shoulders.
One decision that was tabled for future consideration involved the approval of an outdoor big screen device for special events. Trustees decided to postpone this matter for further discussion. Additionally, the approval of FEMA-4222-DR-OK, Vian, Town of, FIPS/IPA ID: 13577250-00 Project Worksheet 805, request for payment of funds, was also deferred for future consideration.
Police and fire department reports were met with unanimous approval from the board of trustees. This included citations and budget reports for the police department, as well as runs, firefighter attendance, water usage, and budget reports for the fire department.
Reports concerning sanitation, streets, and parks, covering current and upcoming projects along with budget reports, also received unanimous approval from the board. The treasurer’s report, encompassing all prior meeting minutes, fuel report, and purchase orders, was likewise unanimously approved.
The meeting concluded at 6:16 p.m. as the board adjourned before transitioning intotheVianPublicWorks Authority meeting. During the VPWA meeting, trustees voted to approve the treasurer’s report, including all prior meeting minutes, purchase orders, the treasurer’s report, and the OWRB report.
The Vian Board of Trustees meets the third Monday of each month, except for January (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) and February (President’s Day).