Officer’s resignation accepted
Vian’s Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting on February 20, where they discussed issues regarding the Lake Vian Hilltop run and accepted the resignation of a police officer.
The meeting kicked off with David Rodas addressing the board about using the old police department’s parking lot for parking because he is considering leasing the Short Stop #2 building to open a restaurant.
Isaac Barnoskie with Cherokee Nation then gave an update on the upcoming Lake Vian Hilltop run, which was held on March 2. Barnoskie said over 200 participants signed up for the run.
Town administrator Keith Boshers and Barnoskie discussed renting portable bathrooms, and golf carts, to shuttle people back and forth between the park and parking lots. Boshers said he would also speak to Vian Police Chief Mark Harkins regarding safety issues during the event.
The next Lake Vian Trail run is scheduled for August 17, and the 2025 run has been scheduled for March 1. Both items will be placed on the March agendas for approval, according to meeting minutes.
After being tabled in December and January, the trustees finally voted in favor of purchasing a big screen device for special events. However they voted to table approving the FEMA-4222-DR-OK (project worksheet) request for repayment of funds, which had also been tabled for the past two months.
The board once again approved the annual Ground Lease Agreement between the town and Vian Youth Baseball Inc. for the youth’s upcoming season.
The trustees also voted to accept the resignation of police officer James S. Duncan, approved the employment of Joseph Herrera, and approved all reports for the previous month, including the police and fire reports.
During the public works authority meeting, the trustees unanimously voted to surplus a Cub Cadet mower before approving all other reports for the previous month.
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.