Last month I hurt my arm, doing a good deed too! I was helping a local girl through one of our organiza-tions the church is affiliated with. We pick up where DHS is limited. Long story short, she needed a couch and there was one donated in Muskogee. Just needed to be picked up and taken to her apartment.
No problem. My wife and I went and picked up couch and brought down to Gore. I found one of my church members to help unload it. Got to the apartment and began unloading. It was a large sectional type with multiple pieces. In the midst of unloading the last piece, while going through the door at a nice jaunty angle, I heard a snap and a burning pain go up my right bicep. Uh oh, this can’t be good. I dropped the couch.
Ended up in the ER for a couple hours. Looks like I snapped the upper tendon on my bicep. I’m going to need to see an orthopedic doctor for a follow up. Make the appointment Monday. Until then wear this sling for a couple weeks. Should heal up in about 6 weeks.
Got the orthopedic appointment made. Went to see him and it looked like all was well but… (You never want to hear a Dr. say this). Let’s do an MRI to make sure nothing damaged too greatly. The tendon may have come loose at top of rotator cuff. Better safe than sorry.
A couple weeks later, sitting in doctor’s office and he comes in. Well… (again, not a good sign), the bicep looks good. I think it should heal very well. However…(and here it is), you seem to have a big honking (his actual words) bone spur rubbing on the rotator cuff and is fraying it. It needs to come out before severs the rotator cuff and it has to be repaired.
I sure didn’t see that coming. Surgery then? And when? He said yes and we will get you scheduled as quickly as we can. Sounds good, let’s getter’ done!
If it were only that easy. Surgery was scheduled. Pre-op visit was made. Just seems to be one slight problem. The doctor’s office hadn’t heard back from insurance for authorization for surgery. Probably just slow in getting back with office. I wish!!!
DENIED, that was the answer the office got and what the letter I got in the mail said. Doctor said, no problem, we will resubmit with more documentation. DENIED was the second response. Doctor said a peer review would be done (technical term for another doctor reviews and either agrees or disagrees with decision). Peer Review Dr. agreed with first doctor. And… DENIED!
You have to be kidding. Nope. It seems the insurance wants to know why steroid injection not done (maybe because I’m diabetic) or physical therapy not implemented (physical therapy will not alter a bone spur). I am still greatly perplexed at it all. I was told it is just a game the insurance company plays hoping you will get frustrated and go away.
This made me think about denial. No body likes it and hopefully nobody likes to do it. We get denied admittance, access, funding, privilege, responsibility and authority just to name a few. But, there is one thing I hope no one ever is denied, but I fear many will be…entrance into Heaven.
We think because we go to church, read our Bible, give an offering and/or attend a Bible study we will get to go to Heaven. Or, maybe, grandpa was a deacon, uncle was a preacher, mom was a Sunday School teacher, or my family has all gone to this church and baptized here, we are going to get into heaven.
That is simply not true. See, as the insurance company has a criteria for an individual and doctor to satisfy before treatment or surgery can be allowed… so does getting into Heaven. The previous mentioned are great but not the requirements of Scripture or Jesus in Scripture. When the requirements are not met for medical procedures or treatment, a denial is given. Same will be true for Heaven.
In Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus says that not everyone who says Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though they did lots of great things, were related to Godly people or were a really good person. Jesus’ own words will be “Depart from me, I never knew you…” Denied!
There will be no appeal, no second chance, no re-submittance with extra documentation or even a peer review establishing how good you were that will gain you entrance to Heaven. Only a personal relationship with Jesus will do that. Scripture says “…there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which men must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) or “Jesus said to him,’ I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” (John 14:6) Any other way will get you a denial.
Thrice Denied Preacher Bro Tim