Last week I wrote about names and told the names and meaning of my family’s names. My oldest granddaughter, Selah Belle, comes to my mind this week. Rem em ber her name is a musical term me a n ing stop and listen. She tot a l ly lived up to that a couple weeks ago. Selah Belle is a bit of a diva. Her name is not Selah but Selah Belle. She is very quick to point this out. She is named after Belle in “Beauty and the Beast.” She also likes the movies “Little Mermaid,” “Snow White” and “Frozen.” She is a girly-girl who loves wearing dresses, dressing up and having tea parties. Not a tom-boy bone in her body. Her goal in life is to be a princess. Sometimes she plays pretend and is a princess or a queen.
Now, not only is Selah Belle creative, girly and cute, but she is also smart (she is my granddaughter you know).
This story was told to me by my daughter. Selah Belle and Lauren were listening to their Pastor’s pod cast one afternoon. The Pastor was with his associate, and they were discussing the fact that one day we will rule with Jesus on thrones. Selah Belle then looks at her mom and says, “Hold on, wait a minute. So you’re telling me that I get to sit on a throne next to Jesus and be a ruler?” Lauren replies, “Well, you are a child of the King when you become a Christian. So, yes, you will.” “No way? So I really am a princess then? That is SOOOO COOL!!!” Lauren then replies, “Well yes and no. You know what, you will figure it out when you get older. But, yes, you can be a princess.”
Lauren couldn’t wait to tell me. My response was “Oh my, that girl is living up to her name.” (…stop and listen, take notice). That girl has a unique understanding of some things. But, she was right in some ways.
Somehow we forget to have a child-like faith and understanding. You can tell a child that Jesus loves them, and they believe it. Tell an adult this, and they will question, “How, why, what…?” Tell a child if you ask Jesus to be your Savior, and they do, then they will go to Heaven some day. Tell an adult and they want to know how that works. A child just believes.
I can just see the joy in my granddaughter’s eyes as she put the pieces of the puzzle together and realized she was a princess. Just like anyone who figures out Jesus really loves them and died for them. When they pray the sinner’s prayer, they will have eternal life. What a joy, a thrill it is for a child or an adult!
Jesus knew this. He loved kids. He loved having kids around him and brought to him. Jesus tells us to have the faith of a child (Matt. 18:2-4 and Luke 18:17). Isaiah 11:6-9 says that a child shall lead them, meaning that when the Messiah comes there will be peace on earth and things will be as God intended.
A child understands things that are meant to be simple, and we just over-analyze, over-think and over-complicate things. Two plus two is four. Light is bright and dark is…well…dark. Hell is hot, Jesus saves and eternity is a long, long time. It really is that simple.
Maybe that is why when a child sings “Jesus Loves Me This I Know,” he just smiles and sings with all his heart. Sometimes we just need to be like a child.
I just wonder if Selah Belle is going to make me call her Princess Selah Belle or address her as Your Highness or Your Majesty. Help me Lord… I am a Child of the King, Bro. Tim