Each May, during National Foster Care Month, CASA for Children takes time to raise awareness of the children and families involved in the foster care system and the need for more people to step up to support them.
Children go into the child welfare system when their family is in crisis. There is a common misconception that once these children are in foster care they’re safe and no further help for them is needed. CASA for Children Executive Director, Suzanne Hughes, says this could not be further from the truth. “Foster care is important for protecting children temporarily,” said Hughes. “It is not meant to be a permanent solution.”
When children are placed into foster care they are often taken away from everything and everyone they once knew. Research has shown that children do better when they can stay connected with their family and community, and children in foster care are no exception.
This is where CASA volunteers, or Court Appointed Special Advocates, from CASA for Children come into play.
CASA volunteers are specially trained and appointed by judges to advocate for a child or sibling group while they are in the child welfare system. They advocate for the child in court, school, and other settings; and get to know everyone involved in the child’s life, including their parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors, family members, and others.
They advocate first and foremost for these children to be reunified with their parents whenever safe and possible. A core part of their role is to help create and strengthen a lifetime network of relatives, family friends, and other committed adults who can support the child and their parents during their involvement with foster care and beyond – increasing the likelihood of family reunification.
When reunification is not an option, volunteers advocate for the child to live with another relative or family friend. They can also advocate for the child to be placed in a loving adoptive home. In all cases, volunteers are steadfast, consistent presences for the children they serve, making sure they are safe and have the resources and connections they need to grow and thrive.
CASA for Children is always seeking more community members to step up and become CASA volunteers and support these children and their families.
“Children in foster care need a dedicated advocate,” Hughes said. “They need someone on their side who can help them feel safe and connected. We hope you’ll consider joining the CASA movement.”
For more info, visit www.casaok.org or contact Jenny Crosby at jenny@casaok.org.