I left for the office this morning. Nothing unusual about that. I do this every day. I had to leave quite early as I was meeting a builder to discuss a building project we are doing at the church. I am not accustomed to leaving quite this early (shortly after 7). I am up and around but usually don’t get to the office until around 9.
What made this departure notable was the fact that I left without my cell phone!!! (I know, major crises.) I didn’t really think too much about it. When I did get to my office I noticed I did not have it in my pocket. I must have left it in my truck (I do that a lot). Nope, not in the truck. So, not in my truck, not in my pocket, not on my desk or in my back pack with computer. I must have left it at home.
Once I determined I left it at home on the arm of the couch I debated on whether to go and get it now or wait until later. Jill is coming up in a couple hours, she will probably bring it then. I will call her and….oh yeah, I can’t call her, and I don’t have a phone. After a lengthy debate with myself, I determined to just wait and see if she will bring it with her, if not, I will go get it.
So I begin my day without a phone. I am doing some figuring with some numbers and need to multiply a few things. I will get the calculator on my phone and … nope, no phone. Multiply numbers the old fashioned way, pencil and paper. Need to check and see who an individual that left message on answering machine is, I will call… nope! No phone. I need to check the weather for tomorrow and Friday to see if it is going to rain (get some building material delivered and don’t want to get wet). Wait, weather app on phone is with the phone and the phone is AT HOME!
Now I know most of what I had to do I could do on the computer, but it is just so much easier on my phone (and usually faster). And, there are some things I still do on my computer (write articles) but the majority of things I do with my phone.
How much you ask? Well, I do my banking. I can do internet deposits, transfer money and check account balances. I can pay bills. I do research on Google or Brave. I check e-mails as well as send e-mails. I use maps to navigate or find locations. I check the stock market and commodity exchanges daily with my phone. I have a calendar and have a planner that records and alerts me to appointments. AND, I also make calls and send texts.
In short, my phone is a big part of my life. But how much? How important is it really? When was the last time I left the house without having my Bible reading or prayer time? I am so wrapped up in making sure I have my cell phone but do I take a Bible with me to the car or truck? Do I have a Bible in the car or truck? Do I put the time, effort and thought into my relationship with God that I do my cell phone.
I get it, the cell phone is important. But so is a personal relationship with God/Jesus. Cell phones are a large part of our life but so is Jesus and God.
Your phone keeps track of how much time you spend talking, texting, watching You-Tube videos, looking at Face Book or playing games or using other apps. Do you spend a proportional time with God? How many hours a week do you spend on your phone? How many hours do you spend with God?
Wow Preacher, getting kind of personal there aren’t you? No, just being real. Jesus said He came to give us life and life more abundant (John 10:10). That abundant life comes from spending time with Him. John 10 is about the Good Shepherd and the sheep knowing His voice. You know that voice by listening, in person, spending time with Jesus. This means putting down the cell phone once in a while and picking up a Bible. Maybe turning off the phone and getting on the knees to pray and talk to God. Or, setting the phone aside and going to church or Bible study.
The point is we need to remember that we don’t get to take our cell phones to heaven. We will talk to God in person! Bro. Tim