The Webbers Falls Chamber of Commerce is hosting “A Day in the Park” on June 8. Everyone is encouraged to bring their lawn chairs for seating.
The day will start with a pancake breakfast from 7 to 10 a.m. for $5 per person. A BBQ/fish lunch will follow at 11 a.m., sponsored by the Webbers Falls Volunteer Fire Department.
Other events include a tractor pull beginning at 12 noon, bubble/foam play from noon to 1 p.m., an inflatable water slide from noon to 4 p.m., and a 5K run.
Fresh pork skins, root bear floats and snow cones will be available for purchase, and a bake sale will also take place.
A greased pig race is also scheduled to take place. The event is free but you must pre-register by calling 918-616-3474.