Summer break is a great time to get your students immunized. Vian Public Schools cannot allow students to start school without an updated shot record or a completed, state-approved exemption form on file.
If your incoming seventh grade student has not had their TDaP booster, please contact your child’s physician, local clinic, or health department immediately to set up an appointment so that your child is up-todate on immunizations and ready to start school on Thursday, August 15.
For incoming seventh grade students, parents will need to provide updated shot records or completed exemption forms to the middle school office before the first day of school. You may email forms to Ray-Ann Harris at, fax them to 918-773-3051, or drop them by the office from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. during the following time period: July 29-August 14 (closed on Fridays).
All incoming seventh graders are required to have a TDaP booster shot or provide a completed and signed Certificate of Exemption from the Oklahoma State Department of Health before being admitted to school. No exceptions will be made.
Oklahoma law and Vian school policy states that, “For school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following: A current up-to-date immunization record, or a completed and signed exemption form.” Such evidence is required before the child is allowed to enter or attend Vian Public School.
Children with specific medical contraindications to any or all immunizations or whose parents have objections to immunizations based on religious teachings or personal beliefs can apply for an exemption. Lost immunization records are not grounds for an exemption to the Oklahoma Law. For questions regarding exemptions, call the Oklahoma State Department of Health at 405-426-8580. Go to the following link for the Certificate of Exemption form: https://oklahoma. gov/…/updated%20certificate- of…