Fifteen years ago I began a life change. In 2008 I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar not to mention I was about fifty pounds overweight. So in 2009 I lost 60 pounds bring ing my highs to normal once again. How did I do it? Diet, exercising and making life changes.
My exercising was walking treadmill or riding a bike. One morning in 2009 (spring my journal said) I went out for an early morning bike ride. I would like to share this journal entry with you from April 24, 2009.
I took a bike ride this morning. I have been walking on the tread mill since November. With the time change and season changing to spring, at 6:20 a.m. I was on the bike. The ride this morning was awesome. The scenery along the road was just beautiful. It was God’s handiwork at its finest.
I would rather ride my bike than walk the treadmill any day. When walking it seems you are spending a lot of energy but getting nowhere! I kind of feel like the hamster in his cage running on the exercise wheel. Poor little guy is running for all he can but getting nowhere (unless he stops suddenly)!
But riding the bike… that is completely different. The scenery is constantly changing, the breeze is blowing in your face, the air is fresh and it is just me and God out there (and trust me at 6:20 in the morning, no one is out).
It is during this time that it is just me and God. There is no telephone (back in the day when I still had a land line), cell phone, internet and e-mail or text messaging. No interruptions or disturbances allowed. I am in my bubble, so to speak.
My concentration is focused on my bike rid-ing skills and God. I do not have to think about finances, schedules, appointments, to do lists, breakfast or anything else. It is during this time that the world just seems to stop and I can be one with God.
We live in a world that is so busy, structured and demanding that we do not have time for God. Or, when we do, it’s like we say, “Okay God, here I am. You have the next 15 minutes, GO!”
I am pretty sure that is not what the Psalmist meant when He said, “Be still and know I am God.” (Ps. 46:10). It is not that life stops or has to stop. No, on the contrary, it is not like you have stopped. But you allow God to be part of what you are doing. You allow Him to come alongside of you and what you are doing. Whether it is washing dishes or clothes, mowing the grass, driving down the road in a car or riding a bike, God wants you to include Him, have Him join in.
Back to reality (from journaling). I am writing this while in the middle of Vacation Bible School. I am the director, teaching the Bible study as well as leading in the opening and closing assembly each day. Yeah, it is kind of busy and hectic. But, I have also been to two camps, a national convention and taken pictures for two other church camps along with the normal Pastoral duties.
Reading this journal entry has reminded me that in all the busy-ness, have I included God to be with me? Have I experienced His presence… Has He experienced my stillness?
The answer to that question is yes and no. Some of the times I experience God with me and at other times, when there was no joy in the task being completed but just a grind to get things done, I kept God at a distance.
I am reminded that as summer activities come to an end, I need to be still a lot more and experience God, His presence and person. Won’t you join me? I am sure you have been busy, too.
Being Still, Bro. Tim