Vian’s Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting on Nov. 18 where they voted to retain a new town attorney and approved the transfer of the current town attorney to municipal judge.
The board members unanimously voted to retain Justin Vann as the new town attorney, and then approved the transfer of the current town attorney, Teddy Abbott, to Vian Municipal Judge.
The trustees also unanimously approved the Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund Master Defined Benefit Plan Joinder Agreement and an emergency clause for Ordinance No. 2024-002, amending the employment retirement system for both the town and Vian Public Works Authority (VPWA).
Other business During the communications segment of the meeting, town administrator Keith Boshers updated the board on the progress of projects taking place with the Little League; and Suzanne Sullivan asked the town about purchasing an advertisement in the Greater Tenkiller magazine.
Sullivan said the cost of the ad was about $4,100 but Boshers said it had not been budgeted and the deadline had passed. Boshers said the trustees could still move forward with advertising in next year’s issue.
A TextMyGov Proposal, which was tabled from last month’s meeting, was tabled once again, and no action was taken on approving a temporary variance for Christy Martin for the placement of a travel trailer.
Regular meeting schedules for both the town and VPWA were approved for 2025, with a time change of 6:30 p.m. for town meetings, and 7 p.m. for the VPWA.
The trustees also agreed to leave four CD’s, with a maturity date of Nov. 21, 2024, at Armstrong Bank at an interest rate of 4.7 percent for six months for the town, along with two CD’s for the VPWA, with the same interest rate.
The board members also approved a waterline maintenance project on Lee Street, according to meeting minutes.
The trustees approved the treasurer’s report; sanitation, street and parks report; and police and fire reports for the previous month before adjourning at 7:45 p.m.
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.