It is that time of the year again. The holidays are over. The weather has been cold. School is back in session for college and local communities. And the fact the cold weather is upon us only intensifies all of this. Because with it cold outside, we close the windows, turn up the heat and tend to get close together in a room, real close. Then it hits.
I am talking about the flu. Yep, it is flu season, and it is in full swing. It comes this time every year. It is no distinguisher of persons. It infects the young, old and everyone in between. Some have a mild case, mild symptoms while others get it much worse with major symptoms, sometimes even requiring hospitalization. For some it lasts a few days while others continue having symptoms for a week or more.
We have seen local schools have to close because sick kids, teachers, school staff and even the substitutes that are so reliable are out with the bug. Hospitals, doctors’ offices and urgent care clinics are all full. Trying to get in to see someone is almost impossible, or it requires a very long wait. (And these places are full of a lot of sick people) It’s at the point that some people are afraid to go out of the house…to the grocery store, to the restaurant, to church, ball games or anywhere. If you do go out and happen to sneeze or cough, you feel like everyone is looking at you like you’re Typhoid Mary! And if you’ve been out, when you return to your house or car, you want to just baptize yourself in hand sanitizer.
Yes, it is flu season, and the flu is so contagious. It takes just one little germ from a cough, a sneeze, touching a counter, door handle or someone else. A germ is picked up, we touch our face or mouth and WHAM! We are infected. In a matter of a few hours or days we get a tickle in our throat, a runny nose, maybe a cough along with some chills and body aches. Next thing we know we are down for the count with that dreadful seasonal bug. I have been able to dodge all of this so far this year. But it is not like I haven’t been exposed. I am taking extra vitamin c, zinc and dosing with some Emergence-C or Airborne to help beef up my immunity. I also keep hand sanitizer in my vehicles and office.
All of this has made me think about how the flu and sin are alike. The flu affects all. No one is immune, and there is no shot that guarantees you are immune. Sin is like that, too. It started with Adam and Eve. It has spread to every generation since them. Romans 3:23 tells us that “all have sinned.”
Sin usually starts small, like that germ that causes the flu. That one germ does not make you sick. That germ multiplies, and then germs spread throughout your body. Sin will start small and soon lead to another sin and another and another… Then, before long you see you have a long list of sins and begin distancing yourself from God.
Sin and the flu are alike in that they both will affect (and infect) those around you. Your sin can bring people down or on a road with you. You, in a sense, make them sick with what is making you sick. Sin like the flu is quite contagious.
And you can avoid sin much like you do the flu. The first way is to, in a sense, quarantine yourself from sin. Don’t go places where sin is. Where temptations are greatest keep your distance. People who might draw you into sin – stay away from them.
Keep yourself healthy spiritually. As I take vitamins to boost immunity, you can do that with your spiritual life, too. t is called reading your Bible daily, praying regularly and being involved in a regular Bible study. And just like rest and vitamin c for the body, GOING TO CHURCH, hearing God’s Word preached, being around fellow believers (who struggle just like you) is the best medicine for a Christian.
That nasty flu continues to come back each and every year. Sin continues to be with us each and every day of each and every year. There is no escaping it, sin or flu. They will get you.
But, you can fight each one. If you do get the flu you should get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids to get better. With sin, confess it, run away from it and do not return to it. God will forgive you if you ask and strengthen you. Because just like there is a different strain of the flu each year, so there will be a different sin waiting for you that will need to be conquered with God’s help and forgiveness.
I have to go take my vitamins and get ready for the day. Keep healthy.
Building a Stronger Immunity, Bro. Tim