“They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing,” (Ps. 92:14). “Now also I when I am old and gray ^ , headed, O
gT God, do not forsake me, Shirley R. Until I de Watts dare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come” (Ps 71:18).
Senior adults- recall to active duty. Knowledge and experience needed in the spiritualbuilding of generations to come. No matter your age, if you are a bornagain child of God you are special.
As we look around, we must rise up. God has not retired us! We are builders, not spectators! It does not matter what we did in the past. It’s what we are doing now. How will Jesus find us when He comes? Where will He find you? Will He find you sitting in your “chair” of retirement? It’s not over till it’s over!
Let’s sit in the chair of love, worship, prayer, commitment, concern and service.
If you are an active duty Senior praise the Lord! Let’s examine our hearts and see if there is more we can do in the building of tomorrow.
You can visit churches today and find in many of them only senior adults. Why? What have we done? Not done?
“Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” (Psalm 34:11). Let’s return to the job of soulwinning and building strong Christians. Pick up the tools: prayer, Bible study, teaching, sharing our personal testimony using them to build a strong generation for the future.
We were blessed to have been a part of the Lord’s Church for sixty years. Let’s not hide what God has taught us. “…Telling to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, And His strength and His wonderful works that He has done” (Psalm 78:4, 6-8).
Yes, we have seen many changes, and it hurts, but we must continue the building. When the time comes for us to lay our tools down we will feel good that we worked until the end. Jesus was not a “quitter”! You and I together can change this world and make it a place where the next generation can find Christ in it.
How many conversations do you hear today from the younger generation about what God is doing in their life? Do we hear them sharing what God revealed to them from His Word? There are some who are living for Christ; they are few in number. This means the children and youth will have less to talk about when they reach the age of thirty. There are even senior adults who do not know Christ! Let’s reach them!
We are accountable to God for what we do with what He has given us. We can’t sit on it. We must give it away fast. Time is short, Jesus is coming soon! You and I are the bridge to the future. Let us allow His Holy Spirit to work through us now. “They [we] shall bear fruit in old age…”
There is plenty to do and I believe God will empower us as we continue building up generations to come.
Rise up out of that “chair” and pick up your tools. Let’s build the future …today!
Pray for revival. Read or listen to your Bible. Tell your family and friends what Jesus means to you. Tell them how much He loves them. If possible, be in fellowship with other believers. Fellowship is important. Meditate on His Word. Call a friend, share Jesus pray together. Encourage children and youth. Teach them! Love them!
By now you are revived in the Lord, up and out of that chair making plans on how you can be a part of the greatest work on earth. I hope you are praying, praising the Lord, looking for Him in the clouds even at this moment. Lookup!
Seniors, we can change things! We have been there done that. That will help us in the building. Let’s work till Jesus comes! We can hear Him say “Well done faithful one, you served till the end.”
We can build the future today!!!
Let us work till Jesus comes! Amen!